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Click on any Digimon to see more information about it.

Before reviewing the below charts, I'd recommend toggling the Legend on the lower left to get familiar with what the different requirements mean. The button on the lower right will show an FAQ that answers many common questions about raising Digimon. You can click on any Digimon image below to see more details about that Digimon as well. Use the version selector above to display only charts that are available on your device, and use the abbreviations to jump to a specific chart.

Nature Spirits

Unlocked by default

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color

Deep Savers

Unlocked by default

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color

Nightmare Soldiers

Unlocked by evolving into Child

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color

Wind Guardians

Unlocked by evolving into Child

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color

Metal Empire

Unlocked by evolving into Child

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color

Virus Busters

Unlocked by evolving into Child

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color

Nightmare Soldiers Ver.20th

Unlocked by obtaining 5 different Digimon

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color

Virus Busters Ver.20th

Unlocked by obtaining 5 different Digimon

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color


Unlocked by obtaining 35 different Digimon

Beelzebumon Color


Unlocked by obtaining 35 different Digimon

Dukemon Color


Unlocked by obtaining 35 different Digimon

Silver Black


Unlocked by obtaining 35 different Digimon

Silver Blue


Unlocked by obtaining 20 different Digimon

All Colors


Unlocked by beating all 100 Tag Battles

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color


Unlocked by beating all 100 Tag Battles

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color


Unlocked by beating all 100 Single Battles

Silver Black and Beelzebumon Color


Unlocked by beating all 100 Single Battles

Silver Blue and Dukemon Color


Unlocked by Battling a Silver Blue or Silver Black against a Dukemon Color or Beelzebumon Color. Winner gets the egg.

All Colors


Unlocked by winning 100 Battles

All Colors

*Only your most recent 15 battles, regardless of battle mode, will count towards evolution.
If you aren't sure about something, take a minute and read throught the questions below, you may find your answer there. If not, try asking in the #help_and_questions channel at the Digitama Hatchery Discord Server.
Toggle Legend

Care Mistakes

How many care mistakes are required to evolve. The number of full skulls indicates how many care mistakes are required, while half skulls indicate that a care mistake is optional. In the example to the left, 1 care mistake is required, but 2 or 3 will also work, though 4 will not. For evolving into Stages III and IV, if 4 Care Mistakes are indicated as working for evolution, more than 4 Care Mistakes will also work. For evolving into Stage V or VI, more than 4 care mistakes will immediately kill your Digimon when it is time for it to evolve.

Effort Hearts

How many effort hearts are required to evolve. The number of full hearts indicates how many effort hearts are required, while half hearts indicate that an effort heart is optional. In the example to the left, 2 effort hearts are required, but 3 or 4 will also work.

Fulfill Battles

This indicates that 12 out of your 15 most recent battles with this Digimon must be victories in order to ensure evolution. Digimon with this requirement must have battled a minimum of 15 times, though it does not matter during which level those battles were done, as battles do not reset upon evolution. For example, if a Stage III Digimon battles 15 times, and it is now Stage IV and has done no more battles, those same 15 battles still count toward evolving into Stage V. If more than 15 battles are done with a Digimon, only the last 15 count. This means the victory percentage shown in the stat screen does not necessarily reflect victories counted toward evolution. If you are not sure if you have won 12 of your 15 most recent battles, just do 15 more and make sure to win those. Stage IV Digimon evolving into Stage V still have a chance of evolution if at least 6 out of 15 battles are victories, and Stage V Digimon evolving into Stage VI still have a chance of evolution if at least 9 out of 15 battles are victories. However, both levels have a 100% chance of evolution with 12 out of 15 victories, so always get at least 12 to be safe.


What type of Digimon is needed for a Jogress Evolution. For normal Jogresses, you must use a partner that is the same level as your Digimon, so Stage IV Digimon can only Jogress with Stage IV Digimon, and Stage V Digimon can only Jogress with Stage V Digimon. Under the word Jogress, each pair of letters indicates what type of Digimon will work for this Jogress. Va is Vaccine, Da is Data, Vi is Virus and Fr is Free. If more than one pair of letters is shown, then any of the displayed types can be used. You can check a Digimon's type on the status screen. In addition, types are displayed on this page as Red/Orange/Yellow for Vaccine, Greens for Data, Violets for Virus and Blues for Free.

Jogress With

This indicates a specific Digimon to use for a special Jogress. The sprite shown to the right indicates the specific Digimon needed to perform the Jogress.

Battle With

This requirement is only used by Jesmon to evolve into Jesmon X. In order for Jesmon to evolve, it must win a battle against an Alphamon. This battle can be via connection, and will work against a copymon, or it can be against one of the Alphamon fought in the Tag Colosseum.


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