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Hey there, my name is humulos and I'm the one what made this site. First things first, I do not own the rights to anything related to the Digimon brand, which is propery of Bandai Co., Ltd. This includes the Digimon names, imagery and the devices themselves. This is purely a fan endeavour to document information about Digimon Virtual Pets for the benefit of the community, and does not take away from the devices themselves.
Certain features on this site operate using cookies or localStorage to improve your experience. In addition, Google Analytics is used to monitor site usage, while Google AdSense is used on the main page for displaying targeted ads. This is not meant as a money-making endeavour, the ads are meant to just recoup some of of the costs of hosting and time spent working on the site. The full privacy policy can be found here.
This is just a random side project I've chosen to take on, so improvements will generally be on the slower side. I do not accept commissions to implement specific features, but if you would like to donate to say thanks, there is a donate button in the site menu you can use to do so. I've put in hundreds of hours at this point, so donations are much appreciated!
If you want to keep track of updates, follow me @humulos on Twitter, or join the Digitama Hatchery Discord Server. Major updates will be announced at both locations.
FeedbackYou can see what improvements are currently being worked on by clicking here. If there is an improvement or feature you would like to see made, fill out the form below to request it! Just make sure to check the feature tracker first to see if someone already requested that improvement.
Your email address will not be made public, it is purely for verification purposes and will not be reused in any way.