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Below are the primary differences between the various Digimon Vital Series models. The most full-featured device is currently the Vital Bracelet BE. This table can be scrolled left and right on smaller screens. Desktop users can hover over a specific row to see more details.

Details concerning the Vital Hero Digimon are from real-life tests, the manual includes incorrect information.
Vital Bracelet
Digital Monster
Digivice -V- Vital Hero Vital Bracelet BE
Color variants Ver.Black, Ver.White, Ver.Special Digivice -V- Black, Red, Blue, Batman Black, White, Digivice -VV-, and more for multiple franchises.
Evolution timer decreases while asleep No Yes Yes Yes
Sleep Automatic Manual Manual Manual
Vital Values earned every 50 Miles 1* 4 4 4
Vital Values lost while device not worn 50* 20 20 20
Minimum number of Miles every 3 minutes required to avoid Vital Loss 30* 1 1 1 (Though Bandai says 30)
Number of Trainings / Hard Missions per day 4 4 4 No Limit
Multi-device Dim Card limit 1 3 3 No Limit
Card support Dim (JP & EN), VBM**, VHM Dim (JP & EN), VBM**, VHM Dim (JP & EN), VBM**, VHM Dim (JP & EN), VBM, VHM, BE Memory
Device PVP Battle Method VS Memory VS Memory VS Memory None (formerly Vital Bracelet Arena App)
Digimon on device 2 2 2 4***
Backup Digimon aid in NFC battles No No No Yes
Training increases stats No No No Yes, but only on BE Memories
Stats DP, AP, HP, Trophies DP, AP, HP, Trophies DP, AP, HP, Trophies BP, AP, HP, PP
App support (Vital Bracelet Lab no longer in operation) Vital Bracelet Lab (Shut Down),
Vital Bracelet Arena
Vital Bracelet Lab (Shut Down),
Vital Bracelet Arena
Vital Bracelet Lab (Shut Down),
Vital Bracelet Arena
Vital Bracelet Arena
Tamer Rank Yes Yes Yes No
Evolution Unlocks on Dim / BE Memory 1 1 1 Multiple
Maximum Digimon per Dim / BE Memory 17 17 17 23
Attribute-Based Jogress Evolution Yes Yes Yes No (unless using CFW)
Water Resistance Not Rated Not Rated Not Rated IPX4
Language (literally just the words "Attribute" and "Stage", all other words are English) Japanese Japanese English English, the BE Memory now controls language for Stage.
Band size Shorter Shorter Longer Longer