If you don't know what something on the chart means, check the legend on the lower left.
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Wins: 25
Wins: 45
Wins: 45
Clear: Subspace
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Wins: 35
Wins: 35
Clear: Subspace
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Unlocked from the start
Wins: 5
Wins: 15
Met in Area 3 of Shibuya on the Tokyo map
Wins: 20
Met after clearing the Network map
Counts as a Stage V, cannot evolve
Met after clearing all secret areas and unlocking all evolutions.
Counts as a Stage V, cannot evolve
WinsThis will display the total number of wins required for your Digimon to evolve into that form during battle. Once you have enough wins with that partner, the evolution will always be available. The amount needed applies for the entire partner line, it does not matter which evolution form you win the battle as. The number is also cumulative for that line, so if you have 5 wins and unlocked the first evolution, those 5 wins still apply for the 15 needed to get the next evolution, meaning you only need 10 more to unlock it. You can check the Bond menu to see your current memory, but it is only recorded in 5 steps. Multiple wins may be required to increase the bond by one memory. Wins only apply for the partner that initiated the battle, even if another partner uses a support attack. |
LocationCertain evolutions can only be attained by first seeing them occur a specific location. Once you have seen the evolution for the first time, it will remain available as an option during battle. |
JogressThis is really just a placeholder, and may end up getting removed. You likely either get Omegamon from getting to the last area or by getting enough wins between War Greymon and Metal Garurumon. |
To be honest I can't think of any evolution related questions since there's really not much at all to evolution. Make sure you read the legend on the lower left side if you get confused, and make sure you read the paragraph at the top of the page to introduce yourself to the charts. If you want details on operating the device, hit the menu on the top right of the screen and head to the manual.
There's a good chance there's something I'm taking for granted, so maybe after people start messing with these things there will be some common questions I'll notice.
Looks like this may be your first time using this chart, care for a tour?