Click on any Digimon to see more information about it.
Roster for:
• Original Brown
• Original Grey
• Original Clear
Roster for:
• Original Black
• Original White
• Original Smoke
Roster for:
• Original Purple
Roster for:
• Original Clear Red
Roster for:
• Original Clear Green
Care MistakesHow many care mistakes are required to evolve. The number of full skulls indicates how many care mistakes are required, while half skulls indicate that a care mistake is optional. In the example to the left, no care mistakes are required, and the three half skulls mean that 1, 2 or 3 care mistakes will work as well, though 4 will not. For evolving into Stage III or IV, if 4 Care Mistakes are indicated as working for evolution, more than 4 Care Mistakes will also work. For evolving into Stage V or VI, more than 4 care mistakes will immediately kill your Digimon when it is time for it to evolve. |
TrainingHow many training sessions are required to evolve. Training sessions count whether successful or not. In the example to the left, you must train between 5 and 31 times to fullill this condition. You can use Effort Hearts to help keep tracking of your training, but these don't always line up exactly and can only count up to 16 trainings. For example, if I did 4 trainings I would have 1 Effort Heart. The example to the left requires 5 training, which would also display as 1 Effort Heart. Once you reach 16 trainings though, it's not possible to know how many you have done based on Effort Hearts, so Digimon with higher training requirements can't be kept track of this way. |
OverfeedYour Digimon only has 4 Hunger hearts, but it can eat more more than four times. If your Digimon does not have 4 Hunger hearts, keep feeding it meat until it refuses to eat anymore. That counts as one Overfeed. In order to Overfeed again, wait until it loses at least one Hunger heart and start feeding again. |
Sleep DisturbancesHow many times you have awoken your Digimon after it falls asleep. You can wake a sleeping Digimon by attempting to feed, train or battle with it. |
Other Conditions Not MetIf you raise a Digimon that doesn't meet the requirements for other evolutions, it will follow this path. For example, if you have Betamon, and you get 4 care mistakes, but you train 32 times, you will get Numemon. You don't get Devimon or Meramon since they require 3 or fewer Care Mistakes, and you don't get Airdramon or Seadramon since they require 8-31 training. |
Fulfill BattlesThis indicates that your Digimon needs to battle at least 15 times in its current form, and that it must have an 80% Win Ratio for a 100% chance to evolve. If you have 60% or higher, but less than 80%, you will have a 50% chance of evolution. If you have 40% or higher, but less than 60%, you will have a 25% chance of evolution. You will not be able to evolve if your Win Ratio is less than 40%. |
Jogress WithWhat specific Digimon is needed for a Jogress Evolution. The sprite shown to the right indicates the specific Digimon needed to perform the Jogress. To perform a Jogress, the two Stage VI Digimon that are needed must do battle against each other in a Connection Battle. After the battle, the evoution will occur for both Digimon immediately. |
A care mistake occurs any time the Call Light goes out on its own without the Digimon's need being take care of. Your Digimon will call when its Hunger or Strength Hearts empty, or when it is time for it to go to bed. You have 10 minutes to refill hearts and 1 hour to put a Digimon to bed before the Call Light goes out and you get a Care Mistake. If Hunger and Strength empty at the same time, each will count as its own care mistake, even if the Call Light goes out at the same time for both. If an empty meter is not filled after the call light goes out on its own, your Digimon will call again when its hunger or loss timer next ends. Poop, injury, overfeeding and waking a sleeping or tired Digimon do not count as Care Mistakes.
Every four times you Train, you will get an Effort Heart. It does not matter if the Training is successful, it will count towards evolution and your current Effort Heart total. Please note that Effort Hearts are entirely there for aesthetic purposes, and some evolutions will require training more times than the Effort Hearts will display.
Unless you kill it first, your Digimon is guaranteed to evolve into Stage IV. If an Stage IV or V stage Digimon has fulfilled its specific requirements for reaching Stage V or VI respecitvely, it is guaranteed to reach that stage. The time your Digimon spends sleeping also counts towards its evolution timer. The times above are the official times from Bandai, but you may experience minor variances.
Current Stage Time to Next Stage I 10 Minutes II 12 Hours III 24 Hours IV 36 Hours V 48 Hours
Win Ratio is the only thing that carries over after evolution. Care Mistakes, Trainings, Injuries and the number of Battles for evolution all reset upon evolution.
The evolution requirements will only show stats are are actually required, hence them being called that. Not all stats are required for evolving, and if a specific stat isn't listed, this means it does not matter at all. For example, Tyranomon does not list how many Care Mistakes are needed to evolve into Mamemon (this is true for all Stage IV Digimon evolving to Stage V). This is because it does not matter, Tyranomon will evolve into Mamemon by simply fulfilling its battles, no matter how many Care Mistakes it has.
When you click on a Digimon in the guide, sometimes you will see bullet points listing multiple requirements. In these cases, you only need to choose one of the bullet points, as these are all independent requirements. For example, Betamon has several bullet points for evolving into Numemon. One reads "4+ Care Mistakes, 0-7 Training" while another reads "4+ Care Mistakes, 32+ Training". You will meet the requirement by fulfilling either of those conditions upon reaching the evolution window (In this case it would also be impossible to fulfill both bullet points at once, since you cannot have 0-7 training AND more than 32 training at the same time).
No, all battles will work regardless of whether you win or lose. Requirements will specifically mention victories if they are necessary.
Yes, battles for each evolution must be done at the current stage.
No, the displayed Win Ratio in your stats is the exact number used. This number is the win ratio across all battles for your Digimon, regardless of the evolutionary stage in which those battles were held. This is in opposition to how it is handled on the Original Digital Monster or the Digital Monster Ver.20th, where only the last 15 battles are factored in for Win Ratio.
Yes, but it isn't guaranteed. A Win Ratio of 80% or higher results in a 100% chance of evolution, assuming you have fulfilled the other requirements for that Digimon. If you have 60% or higher, but less than 80%, you will have a 50% chance of evolution. If you have 40% or higher, but less than 60%, you will have a 25% chance of evolution. You will not be able to evolve if your Win Ratio is less than 40%.
Both Quest Mode and Connection Battles count. Every individual round of an area in Quest Mode is 1 battle, so clearing Area 1 for example is 3 battles.
As long as you don't kill it first, your Digimon will evolve into Stage IV. If you fail to meet the requirements for evolving into Stage V or VI before the evolution timer runs out, that Digimon will never evolve.
Upon death, there is a 30% chance that you will receive a traited egg if your Digimon at or above Stage V. This will increase the power of the Digimon that hatches from it by a specific amount depending on its current evolutionary stage: 5, 8, 15 and 25 for Stages III, IV, V and VI respectively.
No, the Digital Monster Color can only battle against other devices in the Digital Monster Color series and the Digimon Pendulum Color series.
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